That’s a sexy headline! I scrolled across that one on Pinterest the other day. Presumably, the post was about some magical serum. But you all know that’s not true, really. There isn’t a magic serum you can use to grow long hair in a week. However, it IS true you CAN get long hair in less than a week!
If your hair is thinning, patchy, lackluster, and maybe, due to your age, just not looking like it used to anymore, there are many great options that your local wig salon and wig stylist can help you with.
Toppettes are very small caps that are woven in and attached to your bio hair to create length, fullness and younger-looking hair. They’re comfortable, they last for up to 4 weeks, and they can be washed and heat styled, just like your bio hair. This is a fabulous option if you’ve had thinning hair for a while and just want to have great looking hair again.
Extensions are added into your hair at other points (other than the crown of your head like a toppette). Extensions can be glued, woven or even using a special crimping clip that can be reused again. They also stay in for 4-6 weeks and can be washed and heat styled.
Wigs offer full coverage. If your hair is too fragile or there’s too little of it (say, due to androgenic or autoimmune alopecia), you can get a full head wig that is lush and beautiful. Depending on your budget and lifestyle, either a synthetic or human-hair wig can offer the best look for you. Many wig wearers have both synthetic and human hair in their wig wardrobe – synthetics offer easy care and fun, affordable options to change your look up, while human hair wigs are more durable, can be colored and styled just like bio hair.
The best part about faux hair or at least fun hair is that it is just that – fun! You can have fun and you can grow long hair in less than a week (about the time it takes to sit with Jessica, your hair loss stylist at A Wig and a Prayer, order your perfect hair system and get it back for your styling and fitting session.
What are your #hairgoals? Longer, thicker hair? Covering up thinning, graying locks? Adding some oomph to your style? Having your dream hair? Whatever your #hairgoals, a wig, topper or extensions can be a great option.